Fees are based on square footage, foundation-type, and age of home.
$325 up to 1200 sq. ft.
$350 for 1201-1500 sq. ft.
$375 for 1501-2000 sq. ft.
$400 for 2001-2500 sq. ft.
$450 for 2501-3000 sq. ft.
$475 for 3001-3200 sq. ft.
$525 for 3201-3400 sq. ft.
$550 for 3401-4000 sq. ft.
$625 for 4001-4500 sq. ft.
$700 for 4501-5000 sq. ft.
$775 for 5001-5500 sq. ft.
$850 and up for 5501 or more sq. ft.
Additional fees, as applicable:
$100 for crawlspace
$200 for additional building
$50 for age of home between 30-59 yrs
$150 for age of home between 60-89 yrs
$200 for age of home over 90 yrs
$200 for beach homes with pilings or decks
$175 for return-trip
Fees subject to verification of finished square footage, age, and foundation-type. Fees for homes above 400K, over 4K square feet, or over 90 years old are provided as an estimate and may vary based on specifics of property.
Current/former military, law enforcement, K-12 teachers, emergency responders, and fire fighters receive a $25 discount on inspections.
Discount must be claimed at time of inspection order. Refunds for unclaimed discounts are not available.